8 Natural Ways To Clean Your Indoor Air
Our air is full of pollutants that can cause allergy symptoms to go wild, asthma attacks to occur, and start to slowly diminish our health. Finding natural ways to clean your indoor air will ensure that you breathe easier and feel healthier. Today I’m sharing some tips to help you clean your indoor air without harsh chemicals so that you can clean the air inside your home without causing more harm.
What is really great about cleaning with natural essential oils is that they are not harmful to your pet. Do not put them directly on your pet, but once they are used they will evaporate and not harm your dog or cats paws.
8 Natural Ways To Clean Your Indoor Air
Beeswax Candles
While you may want to grab those regular candles to start cleaning your indoor air, the truth is that paraffin candles tend to cause more harm than good. Beeswax candles are an excellent option to help remove negative ions from the air. Just be sure to purchase natural beeswax candles. You’ll need to read the ingredients on the label to confirm that you’re buying a true beeswax candle to help clean your indoor air.
If you want to purchase a wonderful apple scented soy based candle you can check out ours. We sell these on our Etsy shop and my husband literally loves the scent … he never says that about anything I get from a regular store. Check it out >>HERE<<
Salt Lamps
Salt lamps are made from Himalayan salt and work much like beeswax candles to put negative ions in the air to purify your indoor air. I love using salt lamps because they set the mood and crate an atmosphere of relaxation and zen-like stress relief. Using salt lamps to clean your indoor air will help bring good vibes to any home.
I have a salt lamp that I put on in the fall and winter. I love it because it crates a warm golden glow. In the spring and summer I switch it up to a selenite lamp that crates a moody white glow and it feels lighter in energy.
Open Your Windows
I just love that first day of spring when I can open my windows and let some fresh air in. I keep my salt and selenite lamps in my kitchen. When the weather gets warmer you can open up the windows. Try to open windows at opposite ends of your home to allow a nice draft of fresh air to flow through your home. This will encourage the removal of nasty pollutants and replace them with good fresh air.
Bamboo Charcoal
Place some bamboo charcoal in baggies throughout your home to help clean your air naturally. Cleaning the indoor air is all about finding natural options that can reduce the impact of pollutants in the air that flows through your home. Bamboo charcoal works to absorb odors and dehumidify your indoor air. You can fill an air-purifying bag or linen bag with the bamboo charcoal and hang throughout your home.
Note: This is also a great way to absorb smells that linger around your pets beds or toys. Keep it out of reach, but nearby.
Houseplants are another option to naturally clean your indoor air. While you may not have a green thumb, there are many houseplants that will survive indoors even if you’re not that great with houseplants. Having houseplants placed throughout your home will help reduce a variety of harsh pollutants that can wreak havoc on your health. For example, spider plants are an excellent way to reduce carbon monoxide and benzene from your indoor air naturally.
My houseplants are all raised so that my Pomeranian can’t dig in them, but she still enjoys sleeping under or near the base of the raised pots.
Essential Oil Diffusers
Using essential oil diffusers to release the aroma and antibacterial properties of essential oils into your home will help naturally clean your indoor air. Essential oils like rosemary, clove, and eucalyptus reach work to reduce dust mites. You can also use essential oils like tea tree oil in natural household cleaners to cut down the risk of harsh chemicals damaging your indoor air.
Personally, I like to use Eucalyptus essential oil during the day. It is vibrant, yet soothing.
Keep Pets Groomed
If you have pets then it’s important to take into consideration how much pet dander gets into your air. Keeping your pets properly groomed will reduce the pet dander found in your air to keep your indoor air naturally clean. You can use a HEPA filter to vacuum indoors frequently and always opt to brush your pet outdoors to remove pet dander.
Use an Air Purifier
Lastly, you can opt to use an indoor air purifier. There are many indoor air purifiers on the market to purchase to clean your indoor air naturally. Air purifiers have been proven to be an effective method to reduce the harmful pollutants in your air that can cause allergy and asthma symptoms to increase.
My family uses a MedifyAir and we have two. One for each end of the house. Its great for our smoky summer days here from recent forest fires. We got ours from Amazon: you can look at it >>HERE<< for ideas.
These are just some of the many natural ways to clean in your indoor air. My favorites include lavender, rose and eucalyptus. Being able to get that fresh air rolling through my home after months of having to keep the windows closed helps remove some of the pollutants that have been stored inside a tightly sealed home. Use these natural ways to clean your indoor air so that you can feel happier, healthier and breathe easier.
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