As a fur-baby parent you should keep a Dog Emergency Kit to make sure you are prepared for the inevitable mishap with your pup. However, if you are like most people you may not know what you need to have in a kit. Below is a guideline of items that you should prepare before you ever need. Remember, Murphy’s Law, be prepared and you’ll never need to use it!
Know your puppy stat’s
Age / Birthday
Breed / Markings
Location of Home
Microchip Number
Intact / Fixed Information
be prepared
Veterinary Information
Closest 24 Hr. Care Clinic
K-9 First Aid Kit
Pet Ear Swabs
Saline Solution or Gentile Pet Eye Fluid
Pet Sunscreen SPF 15 +
Nail Glue + Gauze
about town
Know the dogs in the Neighborhood
Always have your pup’s favorite treats.
Always bring a bottle of water.
Have a blanket ready for unexpected weather.
First Aid Kit Essentials
Activated Charcoal (see image above)
3” x 3” Gauze pads
trauma pads
stretch gauze
cohesive flexible bandage
latex gloves or hypoallergenic gloves
metal scissors
plastic forceps
iodine wipes or rubbing alcohol
eye-skin wash
insect wipes
hydro-cortisone cream
antibiotic cream
cotton swabs
antiseptic wipes
powdered styptic
super glue
content/data card about your pup
2” x 5” yards Roll Adhesive Tape
8” x 10” Bag
plastic syringe
Emergency Phone Numbers
Animal Poison Control Center 1.888.426.4435
VCA Vet Specialty Center 425.697.6106
Puppy Preparation
- Call your vet to set up a Puppy Physical
- First Aid Kit Basics: (see Canine Safety 101 Blog)
- Puppy food
- Toys
- Pee Pads
- Safe Bed/Crate/Den for when you are out.
- Meaty Chews (avoid rawhide for first 6 months)
- Food and water bowl
- Nail clippers/scissors and nail file
- Ear swabs
Also, I made a video talking about the over-the-c0unter medications that you can keep on hand in the event of an emergency. I have seen these save dog’s lives first hand. Watch my YouTube video below.
Thanks for reading!
Woof, Woof,
(C) SI, Inc. Researched & Written by: S.R.