This month we are focusing our attention on . . . Socialization!
We all hear about socialization as a key component to the happiness and well being of your dog, but what exactly is socialization? Watch the video below to learn what it is, why your dog needs it and most importantly how to incorporate it into the weekly schooled. Bonus: It’s easier than you may think …
When you want to socialize your dog look out for the TOP 5 skill building experiences.
TOP 5:
1) See
2) Smell
3) Touch
4) Move
5) Engage
TIPS For Socialization:
1) Start Slow: Let your pup gain an interest before they walk, run or go into a social situation.
2) Introduce & Wait: Give your pup time to acclimate to the environment. Look for clues to his/her readiness (a wagging tail vs a tucked tail) or (alert ears vs low ears) or (calm back hair vs tall/mohawk back hair along the spine) all of the later examples are ways your pup will show you he/she needs more time to adjust to the new space. Listen, observe and then offer encouragement.
3) Positive Reinforcement: Rub their sides and under the chin to help your dog stay calm and feel confident.